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Envirotab Large Starter Kit: Tablets, 2 Bottles & Microfiber

Whole House Cleaning Against Allergens: Removing Bacteria & Other Microbes without Residue

Large Starter Kit
Envirotab Large Starter Kit: Tablets, 2 Bottles & Microfiber

Your Price: $ 34.95

Works out to just pennies per month of cleaning!

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Get Started in Microfiber Surface Cleaning - The Right Way...

Hear for Yourself What Our Tablets Can Do:
Hear for Yourself What Make Our Microfiber the Best:

This kit provides you with everything you need to get started:

  • 60 x 1g tablets (each tablet will create 32oz of cleaning, deodorizing, and sanitizing ACD-115 [Aqueous Chlorine Dioxide] at 115ppm);
  • (2) Labeled, PET Bottles with Chemical -Resistant Trigger Sprayers;
  • (6) Yellow 12 x 12 300gsm Microfiber Cloths.

Simply fill the bottle with warm water and add (1) tablet, apply sprayer and allow to dissolve for 30-60 seconds. You are all set! Spray and wipe any hard surface, apply a second mist on surfaces you wish to sanitize and allow to air-dry. It is just that simple.

panel of uses for 1g Envirotab tablets.

Here is an image of the product label with just a brief discussion on use applications.

To view our four-product specification page, click here.

To view our in-use safety data sheet, click here.

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P.O. Box 34 Winterport, Maine 04496

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