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This PET Secondary Spray bottle with Chemical Resistant Trigger is exclusive to our 1g tablets, and not to be used for any other tablet size. If you need to prepare a 1 Qt spray solution for mold and mildew cleaning, please use our Pump Foaming Sprayer found by following this LINK.
This audio file will provide you with a background on our 1g tablet uses:
Should you need to reprint fresh or replacement labels, you may use this FILE.
And here is a fresh view of some of the top uses for this tablet size, all of which will use this secondary trigger sprayer.
The prepared solution in this bottle should not be stored in sunlight and should be changed out after 2 weeks, if not before.
Here is an image of the product label with just a brief discussion on use applications.
To view our four-product specification page, click here.
To view our in-use safety data sheet, click here.
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