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Envirotab Chlorine Dioxide Tablets 20g – 2 Tabs – Deodorizing Kit

ClO2 Tablets for Cleaning, Deodorizing & Sanitizing

Deodorizing Kit plus refills-accessories

Deodorizing Kit:


Speed up the time of vapor release with our 12V USB Aerator Kit. Comes fully ready to plug into your vehicle or wall adapter and and reducing the application time from 4 hours to 45 minutes!

USB Aerator Kit:


Refill Pouch:


Envirotab Chlorine Dioxide Tablets 20g – 2 Tabs – Deodorizing Kit
Our simple-to-use oxidizing process will completely ELIMINATE not MASK even the most extreme odors from the air all while penetrating deeply into the surrounding soft surfaces including curtains, carpet, upholstery, leather,all hard to detail, car headliners, dashboards, HVAC systems, and more! Use in cars, boats, campers and rooms within your house.

Your Cost:


Full Description:

The Go-Anywhere Deodorizing Kit

Our Air-Space Deodorizing Kit is the perfect item to keep on hand for rapid removal of odors from virtually anywhere! Eliminate odors in:

  • Automobiles
  • Recreational Vehicles
  • Ambulances
  • Boats
  • Campers
  • Apartments
  • Garages
  • Trash Storage Areas

and more! It is quick and simple to use and all you need is 4-6 hours and a little bit of water. Everything else is included. Be sure to read the label below to see the instructions.

Don't Mask Odors, Eliminate Them

Don't Mask Odors, Eliminate Them!

Eliminate odors in automobiles and campers.

Envirotab ClO2 kit for auto odors  Envirotab ClO2 kit for smelly campers

in locker rooms and apartments with our easy-to-use deodorizing kit.

youth sports create major league body odors remove room odors with Envirotab

Product Description from Label:

Our simple-to-use oxidizing process will completely ELIMINATE not MASK even the most extreme odors from the air all while penetrating deeply into the surrounding soft surfaces including curtains, carpet, upholstery, leather, all hard-to-detail, car headliners, dashboards, HVAC systems, etc.
Kit contains 2 tablets giving double the deodorizing power for larger vehicles, motel rooms, or spaces up to 40-60 sf (6' x 10' x 8' ceilings). Recommend 2 when you just want to be sure the odors are eliminated. For small spaces where the odors are not extreme maybe try 1 tablet.
For best results especially with heavy smokers, remove all debris, vacuum, and wipe all hard surfaces with microfiber cloths dampened with a solution using our 1 gram ClO2 tablets dissolved in 1 quart warm water.

Use Instructions from Label:

  • Remove cap and its contents from the jar.
  • Read all enclosed Safety & Handling instructions.
  • Place "STOP Deodorization In Progress" on the exterior door
  • Close windows and curtains and set the HVAC unit to a circulating fan only. Place the vehicle in a shaded area, close windows, clip seatbelts, open glove boxes, remove cabin filter, and replace when possible.
  • Fill the jar with water up to the "fill line" marked on the label.
  • Place jar on room floor on top plastic trash liner in case of spill or in vehicle cup holder on top of towel in case splashing.
  • Carefully open pouch(s) without touching tablet(s) gently slide from pouch into water then remove yourself and close door.
  • The ClO2 gas needs at least 2-4 hrs to be effective but recommended longer for strong cigarette smoke odors.
  • Now open the doors, curtains, and windows to air out the space. The odors will be gone and should now remind you of a clean, fresh smell. (any lingering CLo2 odor will dissipate soon)
  • To dispose of the remaining product, simply return the lid to the jar and transport contents to pour and flush down a toilet.


Image of label with directions for use

Get the very best and fastest available deodorizing power from Envirotab ClO2 Deodorizing Kits. Order (3) kits and get a FREE Bubbler!

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