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Envirotab 10g ClO2 Tablets for Carpet Cleaning & Deodorizing – 15/pouch

The Most Effective Means of Pre-Treating Smelly Carpets for Low-Moisture or Extraction Cleaning

Envirotab 10g ClO2 Tablets for Carpet Cleaning & Deodorizing – 15/pouch

Your Price: $ 34.95

Works out to just $0.47/Quart!

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This Starter Kit Includes:

Our Envirotab 10g Tablets are intended for the professional odor remediator, or the small-scale deodorizing application, like removing the odors from sports gear, firefighters' gear or large-scale carpet deodorizing and pre-treating.

  • For deodorizing sports or firefighter gear, add (1) 10g tablet to just 4 oz of water in a small jar and place the gear and jar in a tote or cabinet just large enough to hold everything. Leave it for 2-4 hours. 
  • For wall washing or carpet pre-treating, add (1) 10g tablet to 1-2.5 gallons of water and when dissolved add 1-3 oz of Synergy Soil Break. Agitate and use ahead of bonnet or box extraction cleaning. 
  • For rapid, but passive


  • Creating a full GALLON of POWERFUL carpet & upholstery pre-treatment to combat offensive odors before low-moisture or extraction cleaning.
  • Creating a full GALLON of a POWERFUL cleaner (add 1 oz of Soil Break or Synergy Micro Wash) to remove stains and odors from soot-stained walls.
  • Creating a closet or tote deodorizer that works over night.

Envirotab is the perfect product for securing a "complete clean" on environmental surfaces, achieving these important ends:

  • Enhancing the performance of microfiber
  • Quickly blasting through the scum [biofilm] created by surface bacteria
  • Dismantling the structure of organic soils 
  • Naturally eliminating odors while you clean
  • Leaving NO soil-attracting residue behind after cleaning

uses for Envirotab 10g tablets

To view our four-product specification page, click here.

To view our in-use safety data sheet, click here.

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