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Envirotab Small Starter Kit: 60 Tablets & 1 Spray Bottle Set

The Best Small ClO2 Starter Kit for Home or Office Cleaning & Sanitizing

1g Small Starter Kit
Envirotab Small Starter Kit: 60 Tablets & 1 Spray Bottle Set

Your Price: $ 27.95

Works out to just $0.47/Quart!

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This Allergy-Fighting Starter Kit Includes:

  • (1) Pouch of 60 1gram Tablets (each yielding 100ppm in 1 quart of water)
  • (1) PET Spray Bottle with Chemical Resistant Trigger


Envirotab is the perfect product for securing a "complete clean" on environmental surfaces, achieving these important ends:

  • Enhancing the performance of microfiber
  • Quickly blasting through the scum [biofilm] created by surface bacteria
  • Dismantling the structure of organic soils 
  • Naturally eliminating odors while you clean
  • Leaving NO soil-attracting residue behind after cleaning

Our Envirotab 1g Tablets are the quintessential product for every household and every housekeeping contractor. there is absolutely no other product like it in the industry, with multiple uses for every room in your home or office. The list is almost endless!

panel of uses for 1g Envirotab tablets.

Here is an image of the product label with just a brief discussion on use applications.

To view our four-product specification page, click here.

To view our in-use safety data sheet, click here.

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P.O. Box 34 Winterport, Maine 04496

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