Michael Martin

Michael Martin

Eliminating Shoe, Boot & Skate Odors with ClO2

A pair of sneakers emitting foul odors
Smelly shoes can be some of the worst odors, and some of the longest lasting. In many cases, it is because if how difficult it is to wash shoes to remove the organic soils and bacteria that is behind the odor. Now, with Envirotab, there is a better, faster way to save the shoes while destroying the odor.

Removing Mildew Stains from Home Surfaces with ClO2

mildew begins to set in on a door and adjacent wall
Mildew is the early stages of mold and the first visible sign that a musty smell is present because of the first fungal colonies are establishing their territory. This is the time to act fast, eliminating the early stains, removing the odors and setting back the fungus before the fungal colonies spread.

Cleaning & Sanitizing Cow & Goat Udders

wiping down udders before and after milking is good for dairy health
The use of udder wipes brings multiple benefits for both the cows and the farmers. Firstly, regular udder cleaning helps reduce the risk of mastitis, promoting better udder health and increasing milk quality. Clean udders also promote faster milk let-down, making the milking process more efficient and less time-consuming.

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