Sanitizing Cutting Boards with ClO2

Cutting boards, both natural wood, and synthetic materials, can harbor some nasty bacteria, which is passed from uncooked meats to salad greens to the human consumer. But take heart, the solution has never been simpler.

Eliminating Residual Odors & Bacteria from Cutting Boards & Work Surfaces in the Kitchen with 1 g Envirotab Tablets

Nothing takes the brunt of smelly fish, fresh onions or mincing garlic in the kitchen like a cutting board. You can wash and wash it, but the odor just doesn't want to leave.

Even if a cutting board appears to be clean after washing, it may still harbor compounds that cause odor and the bacteria that can cause illness. Sanitizing the surface using a solution made from a 1g Envirotab™ tablet and 32oz of warm water helps to eliminate any remaining odors and pathogens, reducing the risk of cross-contamination during food preparation.

Cutting boards should be sanitized after washing to eliminate any harmful bacteria or other pathogens that may have been left on the surface during use. This is especially important when cutting raw meat, poultry, or fish, as these can harbor dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli.

Sanitizing also helps to extend the lifespan of the cutting board by reducing the buildup of bacteria, which can cause the board to deteriorate and become more difficult to clean over time. Regular sanitizing after washing can help keep cutting boards in good condition and safe for use in the kitchen.

1g Envirotab chlorine dioxide tablet pouch front side and backside

What to Prepare & Keep On-Hand in Your Kitchen

  1. Add 32oz of warm water to your Envirotab Secondary Trigger Sprayer bottle.
  2. To this water, add (1) 1g Envirotab Tablet, and secure the sprayer to the top of the bottle
  3. Let this sit for 1-2 minutes until the tablet is dissolved and the gas is equalized throughout the water.
  4. Follow the directions below, and keep this spray bottle under your sink when not in use.

Simple Steps to a Safer, More Sanitary & Less Smelly Kitchen

Dish soap for washing cutting boards and other kitchen utensils
Wash as Usual
An icon of a kitchen faucet
Rinse as Usual
An icon of a spray bottle of cleaning chemicals
Spray with Envirotab
An icon depicting surface drying
Allow to Air Dry

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